Tuesday, July 28, 2015


The hashtag #sunglassesforGreece will represent our project in Indiegogo, all the way through. I chose it because it expresses the cause and motivation of Urban Owl.

We want to create a Greek product for:

  • Supporting Greek economy in these difficult days by giving jobs to Greek people
  • Contribute in charity for children in need, in order to confront the humanitarian crisis in Greece
  • Inspire other young Greeks to go after their dreams instead of migrating to other countries for a better future
  • Express the common feel for European solidarity in times that Europe has to stay united and overcome todays difficulties. For this reason i have designed an iconic blue patch on the right endtip of the frame, representing solidarity for Greece
Join our effort to give a message for European Unity. #sunglassesforGreece  www.urbanowl.eu

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